Ongoing Support for People Who Enjoy Using Their Apple Computers
2025 in person meetings:
May 21, September, 17, December 17
Mark your calendar
AppleSiders currently has two meetings per month. The main general meeting on the third Wednesday of each month and the iLearn Special Interest Group (SIG) on the first Monday of each month. All meetings start at 7:00 pm.
Wednesday April 16, 2025 - this meeting is on Zoom.
Topic: TBA
AppleSiders Blog Archive
We are about all things Apple. Whether you have or use a Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Apple Watch, or Apple TV we can help you with it. Everyone is welcome, memberships are open to all.
Next meeting April 7, 2025.
This will be a Zoom meeting.
All meetings are currently held via Zoom except for three in-person meetings per year. If you wish to attend a meeting leave your email address on the Contact Form page the link to all AppleSiders Zoom meetings is above.
Officers Meeting:
Note that the officers meetings will take place at the iLearn SIG meeting until future notice. Officers meeting at 7:00 PM. iLearn 7:30 PM.
Main meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
iLearn Special Interest Group meetings are held on first Monday of each month. Click on Special Interest Groups at top of page for details.
A question and answer session begins at 7:00 pm and the main meeting program begins at 7:30 pm.
The main meetings are free and open to the public. The iLearn meetings are for members. Anyone may visit a time or two. Then you are required to become a member if you wish to continue attending the iLearn SIG.
All meetings are on Zoom except for three meetings per year see above.
Membership in the AppleSiders of Cincinnati is available for individuals or couples at $30.00 per year.The full amount is due upon joining. You will receive a prorated dues bill for the following year if you joined in any month other than January.
AppleSiders is in its 47th year as anApple Users Group!
Founded in the fall of 1977. Our founders Apple I is now in the Henry Ford Museum!
iLearn SIG launched May 6, 2013!Click for more inf
© Terrance Crooker 2024