See the Home page for the next meeting date.
If you have questions, are having issues with your Apple devices, are stuck or confused, this is the group for you. NO question is too basic or too simple. This group is for everyone, beginner or advanced.
Special Interest Groups or SIGs are additional groups that meet on other nights of the month often in other locations than the main monthly meetings. They can be on any topic of computing of interest to members. To join a SIG you must be a member of AppleSiders but visitors are welcome to check out a SIG. Our only SIG at this time is the iLearn SIG.
Usually meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted.
iLearn SIG leaders are: Terry Crooker and Paul Galati
The iLearn SIG is for everyone, beginners, those new to Apple products, Macs, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV etc and anyone who just wants to learn more about using and maintaining their Apple products. The meetings are informal with no set program or agenda. They are about members questions, issues and problems and learning how to do more with the hardware and software.
The iLearn SIG is also about sharing information, tips and techniques.
© Terrance Crooker 2024
Ongoing Support for People Who Enjoy Using Their Apple Computers
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
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We are about all things Apple. Whether you have or use a Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Apple Watch, or Apple TV we can help you with it. Everyone is welcome, memberships are open to all.